Who Looks at our Blog?

Friday, October 10, 2008

I think we will find out within the next couple of days, who looks at our blog. So did anybody notice the new gadget on the side. Yep, it's true. And we are announcing a bit earlier than last time, we're only 15 weeks! Last time I think we waited long enough for some of my neighbors to start talking. More like snickering behind my back, "Have you noticed Erin has put on a few pounds." :) :) And with every pregnancy, I feel like that flabby -not pregnant - looking tummy comes a little faster. We have had too many times of actually, it's not happening this time. So I prefer to wait to tell until it is official! I have pretty easy pregnancies with not a whole lot of sickness. But this time, I REALLY didn't feel pregnant. Not at all. So at my 12 week checkup they couldn't hear a heart beat. I'm sure the nurse thought I was crazy when I said, "I'm not surprised." I've been very pessimistic. So I went back in at 14 weeks. They found a heartbeat, but it took awhile. :) I'm feeling like it is a girl. Who knows, maybe we will be surprised. After Parker I was really hoping for a little boy next. Someone to be his little buddy. Plus, we have two girls so we need two boys. That makes the room sharing thing a whole lot easier. But we'll be happy with whatever we get. The new little headbands and flowers that baby girls are wearing are sooo cute.


Unknown said...

Congrads you guys. I'll pull for a boy if it helps :).

The Elkington Family said...

Congratulations! Andy and I are excited for you guys!

mom2jjk said...

Congrats! I hope all goes well and you have an awesome pregnancy.

Esther Ogden said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations you two! =)

ang said...

hope its a boy. that would be great. great way to announce it. that is fun. when do you find out what it is.

Blackburn5 said...

Wait, did you know when I came by in August? WEll that is great. I wish I could wait that long before people could tell. It only takes about 6 weeks and I am in the toilet. Does that put you in March? Sounds great. Hope all is well and the full belly comes soon so you don't feel fat anymore.

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Four...wow. You're amazing! I'm hoping for a boy for you, it would be fun to even things up.

Jen Merrill said...

yay! we are so happy for your family!

Babydoll said...

Steve just forwarded you blog site to me and I checked it! Congratulations. We're really happy for you.
